Friday, December 6, 2013

Kids Craft Ideas: Star Wars Inspired Lightsaber from Pool Noodles

What you'll need

  • Pool Noodle
  • Silver Duct Tape
  • Black Electrical Tape

How to make it

  1. Step 1 Lightsaber Pool Noodle
    Cut your pool noodles in half. Scissors won't really work, but a sharp knife, or even a small saw will get the job done.
  2. Step 2 Lightsaber Pool Noodle
    Wrap the bottom of your pool noodle in silver duct tape. You're trying to cover the bottom fourth or so of the noodle.
  3. Step 3 Lightsaber Pool Noodle
    Wrap three rings of black electrical tape around the top of the silver tape. 
  4. Step 4 Lightsaber Pool Noodle
    Take two pieces of black tape and stick them to the bottom of the tape like this. 

    Now you have a super cool pool noodle lightsaber! May the force be with you!

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